It is said that Gujaratis are most intelligent (in terms of money making), god fearing and peace loving people. They can see which party and which leader is beneficial to them. They value single rupee and dont waste it and so is vote. They also want stability in state. That's why after independence they choose Congress govt. In 90s decade they understood wave of change very well in advance. So they voted for Chimanbhai Patel CM. Chimanbhai was alleged to be corrupt and giving support to anti social elements but they loved his bold image because he fought on Narmada issue with central goverment. However he ditched public and merged with Congress. So Gujaraties went with BJP. One faction of BJP revolted and came power with help of Congress so in next election Gujaratis elected BJP and wiped out Congress. Then after Congress could never come into power.
Gujaratis supported Narendra Modi led BJP not only once, but thrice? Why? Because Congress, NGOs and media defamed so much on issue of riots that Gujaratis are still angry. At time of riots media persons arrived from Delhi and maligned so much without knowing history and geography of Gujarat. National media, be it Hindi or English even cant pronounce Dhrangadhra correctly. (However same media and some bollywood-television persons mock Gujaratis inabilitty to pronounce whole and hole, uu i.e. double u and alphabet w.)
Even they have not learnt how to pronounce surname of Haren Pandya, late state home minister, correctly. So when there are good things happening in Gujarat, media dont show. But they will not miss any chance to defame Gujarat. Why this anti Gujaratism? Just because a party or party leader you dont like?
This time also Anjana Om Kashyap and other national media persons had great plan and expected big stories that will run for some coming months. But one wrong step of Kejriwal got them on back foot.
Actually Arvind Kejriwal as he is new entrant into politics, had not thought that model code of conduct had come in place. He thought he was being stopped by Gujarat police on behalf of Narendra Modi. And he would be arrested if not for some days, but for one day or so. So he provoked policemen who were just performing their duties to arrest him. But his calculations proved wrong. First of all, he was just detained and that for some minutes. But opportunist leader thought to take (dis)advantage of situation. So messages were sent in which, as per news channels, it was instructed to AAP workers to get together at Ashok Nagar on BJP office in Delhi. Poor aam aadmi workers were misinformed with this message that Kejriwal was arrested which was not true. This filled anger in AAP workers. Ashutosh who may be good journalist but not good as politian, provoked workers. His style of talking even when he looks cool is provocative unlike his leader Yogendra Yadav. This led to violence.

Demostration under leadership of Ashutosh without prior permission, turned into violence which highly damaged image established by Kejriwaljee.
But it didnt stop there. Provocation spreaded to Lucknow and Allahabad.
This violence changed media focus from Gujarat to Delhi.
Even in Gujarat, Kejriwal's car was attacked. So Anjana Om Kasyap went back to Delhi as she may have understood mood of Gujarat. And who can better undrstand than her? Because Gujaratis had seen attack on Medha Patkar and AajTak (where Anjana is working), reporter. So Anjana must have got advice to return back by AajTak bosses.
That attack came long after Gujaratis patiently opposed Medha Patkar's anti Narmada campaign. People like Medha Patker and Mallika sarabhai are with AAP. And AAP is more having NGO culture which is not liked by Gujaratis as these NGOs talk about aam aadmi, poor, minorities, environment and get huge fund from foreign countries. Then they do little for deserving people. Most of these NGOs only do 'showbaazy'. They invite media person, do press conferences, host lunch for them, give gifts and then got clicked with few deserving people and thus get publicity. So some local reporters may have inclination towards these NGOs. But majority of local media donot get impressed by this.
Kejriwal is also byproduct of this NGO culture so he knows how to do little and get huge publicity. No wonder few media persons may have got impressed with his style of functioning.
But as Gujaratis dont like NGO culture, they may not get attracted towards AAP. Reason why they dont like NGOs or AAP is that they hate hypocrisy.
Many Gujaratis do social service work on their own. They dont need NGOs for social work. There are social service doing organisations which work low profile. If you go Bagdana near Mahuva, constituency of Kanubhai Kalsaria, BJP turned AAP leader, you will find Bapa Sitaram temple trust doing good work without having single word published in media. Then there is Jalaram Bapa's Veerpur. Many small, medium and big entrepreneaurs are also doing social work.
Ahmedabad based founder of Harsha engineer's Rajendra Shah is doing good work for mentally challenged children. Bhavnagar based CEO of Microsign company Nisheeth Mehta, who is also known as proud father of Pathik Mehta table tennis champion, is doing amzing work for physically disabled.
So I mean to say that Gujaratis are sewabhavi, fun loving (khana pina aur manorajan) and peace loving. They have accepted those who come from outside. Be it parsis, muslims, sikhs, Uttar bhartiyas and Biharis. But as Narendra Modi says truely reflecting spirit of Gujaratis: Ame koine chhedta nathi ane jo koi amne chhede to ene chhodta nathi. (We like to live in harmony and peace but if some one will try to harrass us, we will give tit for tat )
So many disasters Gujaratis have seen in past from drought to cyclone, from pleague to flood, and yes how can we forget earhquake! All time Gujaratis have bounced back. Gujarat has seen 27 February 2002 karsewak burning live and post Godhra riots. It has also seen Akshardham temple attack and Ahmedabad serial attacks but Gujaratis residing outside Gujarat have never turned violent. Even though media has made an image of Gujaratis as if they are so violent.
It is true that few Gujaratis join army and sports but they dont look back when it comes to financial support.
Film and television industries cant run without Gujarati financiers Gujarati artists and Gujarati viewers of course.
Stock exchange is almost zero without Gujaratis.
So, I mean to say national media and Kejriwal & Co. that dont underestimate power of Gujaratis.They are living in peace, wealth and harmony. No one can deny that there is development in Gujarat. However they may be many things still to be done which can be raised in effective and peaceful manner. But please
don't throw stone in still water. Dont spoil peace and harmony prevailing in Gujarat since last 12 years. Live and let live.